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Default method for simulating new responses from any model object with a prodist method (for extracting a probability distribution object).


# Default S3 method
simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)



An object for which a prodist method is available.


The number of response vectors to simulate. Should be a positive integer. Defaults to 1.


An optional random seed that is to be set using set.seed prior to drawing the random sample. The previous random seed from the global environment (if any) is restored afterwards.


Arguments passed to simulate.distribution.


A data frame with an attribute "seed" containing the .Random.seed from before the simulation.


This default method simply combines two building blocks provided in this package: (1) prodist for extracting the probability distribution from a fitted model object, (2) simulate.distribution for simulating new observations from this distribution (internally calling random).

Thus, this enables simulation from any fitted model object that provides a prodist method. It waives the need to implement a dedicated simulate method for this model class.


## Poisson GLM for FIFA 2018 goals
data("FIFA2018", package = "distributions3")
m <- glm(goals ~ difference, data = FIFA2018, family = poisson)

## simulate new goals via glm method
g_glm <- simulate(m, n = 3)

## alternatively use the new default method
g_default <- simulate.default(m, n = 3)

## same results
all.equal(g_glm, g_default, check.attributes = FALSE)
#> [1] TRUE