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Please see the documentation of Multinomial() for some properties of the Multinomial distribution, as well as extensive examples showing to how calculate p-values and confidence intervals.


# S3 method for Multinomial
pdf(d, x, ...)

# S3 method for Multinomial
log_pdf(d, x, ...)



A Multinomial object created by a call to Multinomial().


A vector of elements whose probabilities you would like to determine given the distribution d.


Unused. Unevaluated arguments will generate a warning to catch mispellings or other possible errors.


A vector of probabilities, one for each element of x.

See also

Other Multinomial distribution: random.Multinomial()



X <- Multinomial(size = 5, p = c(0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1))
#> Multinomial distribution (size = 5, p = [0.3, 0.4, ..., 0.1]) 

random(X, 10)
#>      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
#> [1,]    4    3    1    0    2    2    4    2    0     1
#> [2,]    1    1    4    4    1    1    1    3    1     1
#> [3,]    0    1    0    1    1    1    0    0    3     3
#> [4,]    0    0    0    0    1    1    0    0    1     0

# pdf(X, 2)
# log_pdf(X, 2)